WordPress 6.5: What’s new?

WordPress 6.5: What’s new?

WordPress version 6.5 is expected to be released around the end of March 2024. Beyond the 300 minor improvements or bug fixes, this new version…

Homme honte

The time we were hacked

This article is not written with pride. Getting hacked is never fun. It seems like it’s worse when you’re a cybersecurity expert. If you have…

October, Cybersecurity Month

October, Cybersecurity Month

October is Cybersecurity Month. You may be tired of hearing this trendy buzzword, but there’s a reason behind it: Getting hacked is very expensive. It…

Do WordPress updates matter?

Do WordPress updates matter?

The short answer: yes!

The long answer, however, is worth explaining the “why?”. In everyday life, we are constantly being asked to “update” our devices and software. While this can be a tedious task, why is it so important?

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