WordPress 6.5: What’s new?

WordPress 6.5: What’s new?

WordPress version 6.5 is expected to be released around the end of March 2024. Beyond the 300 minor improvements or bug fixes, this new version…

Logo WordCamp

SatelliteWP at WordCamp Ottawa 2019

On July 13-14th 2019 was held WordCamp Ottawa 2019 on the beautiful campus of Carleton University, alongside the Rideau river. SatelliteWP was there to present…

Happy holidays to all

Happy holidays to all

The holiday break begins in a few hours. We would like to take a few moments to wish all our customers and collaborators happy holidays!…

The Satellite has launched!

The Satellite has launched!

Our service has been operational for a while now at various clients who have entrusted us with this idea of a maintenance plan!

However, the officle launch of our site and service dedicated to the maintenance of WordPress websites will happen right now.

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